Система учета выходных и больничных, на которую может положиться ваша команда

Все ваши данные в одном месте

Get a bird’s eye view of your organization’s leave data through our Administrator Dashboard.

Approve or deny leave requests, set leave types, manage notifications, customize all your settings, and much more.

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Простой способ запроса отпуска
Requesting leave can be quite a tedious, lengthy, and cumbersome process. But ours is remarkably simple.

All you have to do is type in the days and duration of your leave, provide a reason if necessary and submit the request. We’ll then take care of the rest.
Assign approval privileges
You can assign Approvers to any department within Vacation Tracker.

Each department will submit leave requests to their assigned Approvers. Approvers can then approve or deny requests, but cannot customize any of the settings.
Never lose track of PTO again
Vacation Tracker’s tailored notifications help you keep tabs on who’s taking time off and when without having to ask them about it.

Set up daily or weekly notifications and tailor them to the entire organization, or a specific department or location.
Управление командами
With Vacation Tracker, you can manage leaves for multiple departments whether they’re in the same location or not.

Each department can have different Approvers, customized notifications, and reports.
Настраиваемые типы выходных
Administrators can create as many as 24 completely customizable leave types, in addition to the first default type, Paid Time Off.

You can create as many as 24 different types of leave to cater to anything from a summer holiday to an afternoon playing golf. And you also have the option of allowing half-days for each leave type.
Custom-made Leave Policies
Leave Policies are tied to Locations. Each Location can use any of the Leave Types created for the entire Organization, by assigning a custom Leave Policy to it.

You have the option to copy Leave Policy settings from a previously created one or configure completely new settings for each.
Accruals take the hassle out of manually calculating employee leave balances. Just set the interval (daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly) and we’ll do the rest. You’ll never have to worry about losing track of your time-off again.

This feature is a part of the Complete plan.
Handle rollover days with finesse
You can set your rollover policy to allow team members to transfer some or all of their remaining days off to the following year, and pick an expiration date for the rollover days.
Start each year your way
No need to remember when to reset the vacation clock.

Just input the start and end dates of your organization’s fiscal year into our system and we’ll take it from there.
Customizable member profiles
Administrators can manage active and inactive users, as well as completely customize employee profiles.

Personalize leave quotas for each member, assign them to a department and location, and much more.
Work at your own pace
Customize your workweek to reflect your working days.

Administrators can set up a custom Workweek for the entire organization, or customize individual workweeks for each employee.
Get a complete audit trail of all your employees’ leave activity — from approval to status updates, workweeks, PTO, and more — in one place with Logs.

Administrators can see who did what, where, and when and get full visibility into their team’s leave-related activities. Users can view their own logs as well.
Hourly Leave Tracking
All users on our Complete plan have the option of displaying all leave-related information for their organization in Hours.

You can easily switch between hourly and daily leave tracking, depending on your organization’s needs.
Balance and Official Holidays
With Time Off, you can easily view your leaves balance, how many days have you used and how many are left. You can also view the official holidays of your country as well.
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